"...To be or not to be..."
Life is not the fate of the haul. Life is a harmony of endless connections between each individual exists. In harmony and connection, what would you say to express who you are ...
Let's explore life through the magic alphabet, to find himself again for themselves the valuable lessons of life that want to impart to you.
A - (Adult) - Mature
When you grow up, you can solve problems arising from life. And now, people will expect much in the way you behave, look and act.
Keep yourself a character personality, do not be "reclining tilt" by the comments of others. But surely you must know what is appropriate, must be mature in attitude and behavior with others. Think and act as mature virtues required of an adult.
B - (Better) - motivated
Let towards what better present. For some people, the best is still not necessarily enough. If you want to become a student, an excellent student? Make every effort to achieve their goals.
Change the thinking and actions. If you fear change, you will ever stepped foot in place. Motivated will be "catalyst" to help you achieve higher goals. Just do not lose yourself, change is never bad.
C - (Control) - Control
You must know control your life, do not let life control you. Own decisions, self-action, self-responsibility in all matters. Do not live a boring life not a drama that was perform many times.
All of your decision, one that will bring you closer to the target, two is pushing you away from it. Therefore, there is a decision properly. Like the comedian Tim Allen has said that "If you do not decide for my life, life will change your decision."
D - (Dream) - Dreams
Dare to dream, even the dreams that you are sure never reach it. If you desire, believe you will surely know how to achieve. All depends in whether you are ready to perform or not.
Do not mind the allusion of others. If you do not believe that the good intentions of his will into reality, you've lost half its strength.
E - (Enthusiasm) - Enthusiastic
Enthusiastic, passionate - if you get that, your life will be much more interesting. Enthusiasm is very "spread" very fast, so if you are living and working in a dynamic environment, "health ì" Your beat rapidly.
If you do not feel passion for what you are doing, consider and do what you like better. Life is too short, and you will not have time to curb your enthusiasm, your passion for life.
F-(Failure) - Failure
Failures in education, in life will make you sad, depressed, or even give up. But remember that failure is temporary, and you do not have confused or worried about that at all.
These are the most resounding victory is the result of the worst failures. All of us have time to fight between themselves or give up trying. If you are a student of decline, mired in debt ... It is not ashamed of you that failure is that you do not want to break out of that situation.
G - (giver) - Cho
For more than happy to get on. A word of praise, do some volunteer work all that well ... are brought to you and others feel comfortable and really is very meaningful. When you are simply not hope to repay, you'll get more.
H - (Happy) - Happiness
Should find a happy home for themselves from the simple things in life. Work, hobbies, friends, colleagues ... All these things are hidden values that you have not yet been discovered.
Life is a series of complex, you can not avoid at depression, fatigue, complain, complain, but still important is the sense of your own. When you feel happy, this is real happiness.
Do not complain, complain about what is not always perfect in life, remember that yourself is also a problem. Please complete your self and feel happy from what I have.
I - (Invest) - Investment
Should invest in your future now. You earn more money? But does not mean you "should" by all criteria for that amount. Learn the billionaires, they have a lot of money, but always wanted to invest in a certain area to increase the amount that is resistant to more than "throwing money through the window."
Do not spend too much, and also avoid falling into the scene indebted. You can invest for the future in many ways: study hard, try to progress in your career, etc ... How to when you step into the future, you do not feel too "poor."
J - (Joyfulness) - Joy
Get yourself the joy and meaning in all the work you do, you will feel like the more exciting. Get yourself pleasure for both herself and others. You can call the driver, secretary, receptionist by name familiarity, and ask their health. Then see the answer you get is nothing.
Interest in others and create your own personal relationships, and you will feel the greatest joy of her.
K - (Knowlegde) - Knowledge
There are things you learn in school, but also the only new life to teach you. The study is a lifelong learner and make a hard game. Because the more you know, you will contemplate the one thing that I did not know anything.
The old you've learned, you do not understand the new ones? All is still potential in life. The "study" and the "know" the vast infinity of life. Let their cumulative knowledge, and learn more new things in all the opportunities you get.
L - (Listen) - Listen
Talking and listening to a double. You have to know this balance. Listening to follow its own right and not listen superficially. You will learn more things and ponder many things from listening effectively.
M - (Mistake) - mistake
Do not be scared if you accidentally cause an error somehow. Please encourage your self that this is the way you learn and learn from experience. Do not let the mistakes that flop hit you.
Maybe you will be very sad and tormented, so do not try concealing anything, look for and try to learn how to release more new things from the old. And try to never repeat the same mistakes.
N - (No) - "No"
Know to say no at the right time. Say "no" to life than indulgence, say "no" to the rude behavior, saying "no" to bad habits, bad with people you meet. Say "no" at the right time and right way is the best barrier to protect you from being tempted and fall.
O - (Opportunity) - NA
More opportunities to knock at the door very quickly and very quietly. If you listen, you will know when it comes. To care about things happening around you, and please accept that risk, take risks to capture these opportunities. Your fate lies in your hands.
P - (Patience) - Patient
Rome not built in a day, and your career as well. Everyone will start with a certain way and everything will take time.
Although it can be very difficult to understand a problem immediately, but if your passionate enough, to learn patience and determination to do it, you'll do. The word "Rings" is very difficult to learn properly, but everyone needs to have it succeed.
Q - (Quality) - The quality inside
Be aware of their capabilities in all the work you do. Establishing relationships seriously, to work efficiently, mature, healthy ... Remember, never the value of which it is more stable appearance.
The value of life is in these qualities within, is evaluated in efficiency in the calculation rather than from birth to now you have done many things.
R - (Reputation) - Bar list
Whether good or bad language will be "kept." Friends, acquaintances ... will have a strong influence on the formation of your character. So, you have to know that you choose to play, choose to send the gold surface.
English Protestant remote station, further speculation as English data. Reputation is what will follow you throughout life, so knowing how to "care" and "nurture" it.
S - (Success) - Success
Success is not a close count measuring the amount you earn or the amount of assets you have. Success is when you know beyond yourself, when you complete control over life more positively.
If you compare yourself with others, you will fall into a deadlock. Instead try to "race" with specific goals that you set out. If you think you have enough desire and you have the qualities to become a success.
T - (thankful) - Know thanks
Be grateful for what life brings you and appreciate what they are. If you do not have a job and high status? Do not take it as shame, please tell myself that the unemployed compared to their still luckier than many, that no task is a poor job if it is legal.
Know appreciate the opportunity to work as well as things to help you live better. Please thank your health, your family and all the good that you're lucky to be met.
U - (Understanding people) - Understanding
Try to understand others more. Always remember to thank those who help you and try to help others. Treat those around you with respect regardless of position, and their bodies. When you mature, you will realize that other people understand that is much more about myself.
V - (Values) - Value
Recognize the value of itself and must determine what is most important for me. Never give up the things that you know that it has important implications for yourself.
Please stick to them and their views, confident in their choices. If you do not have their own stance, you'd be in a mess and could not find a way out.
W - (Willing) - Ready
If you do go, be ready to early and late, give habit of going out to lunch or shopping do not waste any time and do a better job. Be ready made from the most basic ones, do not hesitate to suffering, public employees will be paid off.
X - ("X" traordinary) - Surprise
There are a few things happen without reason and can not be explained. Sometimes you think you already know well in hand to win, but when something unexpected happens you will understand that nothing is certain at all.
Do not become a complacent, that you're never wrong. You can not get there, everything is just relative. Let's live our lives, dream their own dreams, but do not ever think that health, family, work ... like you always imagined, nothing changes.
Y - (You) - yourself
You know with his self-satisfaction at a level as possible. Do not pay attention to people than to compare and tormented. That is not progressive, it is compared and envy.
Please help those less fortunate. Glad that what you have done, and what you try not to do. Tormented by remorse and not be helpful. Should think, a better future awaits you in the front.
[I] Z - (zoom) - Let's turn it into reality.
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